Modified Nopcsa curves of the skeletal proportions of Pterodactylus antiquus (including P. kochi). The measurements were taken from Wellnhofer (1970) as well as from Frey and Tischlinger (2000). Note that we used the corrected values of TM 10341 (Exemplar Nr. 1) provided by Bennett (2013a) that differ considerably from those listed by Wellnhofer (1970). Specimen JME 29.III.1950 (Exemplar Nr. 9) was excluded because it was shown by Bennett (2006) to belong to Germanodactylus cristatus. The heavy black line represents the curve for the new specimen from Painten described herein (DMA-JP-2014/004). The line with the third-largest skull represents the holotype of P. antiquus (BSPG AS I 739, Exemplar Nr. 4; skull length of 108 mm), and the line directly below that of the Painten specimen (DMA-JP-2014/004) represents TM 10341 (Exemplar Nr. 1; skull length of 44.5 mm). Abbreviations: mcIV, metacarpal IV (i.e. the wing finger metacarpal); PCRW, combined length of the dorsal and sacral vertebral column (=PCRW-length of Wellnhofer 1970 and Bennett 2013a; praecaudale Rumpfwirbelsäule); r, radius; s, skull; t, tibia; wp1–4, wing finger phalanx 1–4.

  Part of: Augustin FJ, Kampouridis P, Hartung J, Albersdörfer R, Matzke AT (2022) The geologically oldest specimen of Pterodactylus: a new exquisitely preserved skeleton from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk deposits of Painten (Bavaria, Germany). Fossil Record 25(2): 331-343.