Fungal remains in Early Jurassic woods from Carapace Nunatak. A. Perpendicularly branching hyphae with septum (arrow). Slide 30780; B. Disarticulated hypha with single fracture. Slide 30780; C. Branching hypha (white arrow) with single fracture (black arrow). Slide 35923; D. Hypha with clamp connection. Slide 35923; E. Septate hypha (black arrow) with terminal propagule (white arrow). Slide 30780; F. Intercalary propagule (arrow). Slide 30780; G. Multi-branching hyphae with terminal swellings (arrow heads) in rays. Slide 35923; H. Ellipsoidal structure, possible tylosis (arrow). Slide 30780. Scale bars: 10 µm (A–H).