Early Jurassic woods from Carapace Nunatak in transverse and tangential section: A. General view of specimen 271 in the field; B. Transverse section of the previous specimen showing several growth ring boundaries. Slide 30781; C. Detail of two rings with a small amount of late wood. Slide 30,781; D. Close up of wood anatomy in transverse section showing tracheids and two uniseriate rays. Slide 30781; E. Transverse section of specimen 270 showing poorly preserved tracheids and several uniseriate rays. Slide 30775; F. Transverse section of specimen 276 showing extremely distorted tracheids and several uniseriate rays. Slide 35934; G. General view of specimen 274 in tangential section showing numerous uniseriate and low rays. Slide 35924; H. Detail of rays in 274. Slide 35924; I. General view of specimen 276 in tangential section showing numerous uniseriate and low rays. Tracheid walls are almost completely degraded. Slide 35931. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 500 µm (C); 50 µm (D, F, H, I); 100 µm (E, G).